a ThInk To tHouGhT..

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Life has a way of pushing us over if we let it. One of the main antidotes against being a pushover is to know what we truly want out of life. This comes down to a decision to choose you. The most difficult phase of life is not when others do not understand you. It’s really when you don’t understand yourself.

What do you want out of life? What is your vision for your future? What are your strengths and passions? Where are you in your current state of life? The happiest and most successful people I’ve encountered are those who have broken the chains of procrastination. They might have been stuck at one point of their lives, but they didn’t stay stuck. It’s common to come up with excuses why we can’t move forward. It usually starts out with the word “but”, and redirects any focus on our “whys”. The “buts” keep us stuck.

In my opinion, Who Are You? What Do You Want?, we define stuck-ness as a regression of the imagination, the feeling that things will always be the way they are right now. A vision for your future and an acceptance of your current reality is the best way to get unstuck.

Don’t leave yourself out of your life! Believe in you. Listen to your soul. Trust your instincts. And don’t leave your true friends out of your life either. When we have a picture of the future and understand our current position, a drive is created. Our friends–our mutual supporters–are more than available to help us on our journey. Our personal courage becomes contagious to those around us.

Below are five examples of women who used our four-dimensional model. Each one of them could have had a hundred reasons why they didn’t have time or enough money to follow their passions. They already had commitments and responsibilities. Yet they overcame their fears. Here’s their story in brief1.

Trudy was a divorced single mom stuck in a job as a waitress. She went back to school, got her degree, and was eventually nominated for Teacher of The Year by the San Diego School District for her work with “at risk” high school students.

Melanie was a single mom whose mother and sister were murdered before her eyes by her stepfather. Her son was killed by the boy he was mentoring. She now motivates harden young criminals to reverse their lives and created M.A.T.F.A. (Mentoring, A Touch From Above).

Choelene, was a United Airlines pilot whose life was miraculously spared from 9/11. It caused her to pause and reflect. She found new meaning in the life she already had. She, along with her partner, reached out to help and build a community center in Mississippi for the survivors of Katrina.

Rachel, with severe ADD, struggled through college and ended up teaching children with learning disabilities. She has an incredible passion for this work, and she resolved to do what she wanted.

Vicki was a divorced mother. She is now a business consultant, author, and speaker. She is a coach for Nike, Toyota, Gap, Merrill Lynch, etc. She completely altered her life from that of a teacher and assistant principal to discover her “why”, and now teaches leaders and managers instead of children.

These women could have come up with a hundred reasons why they didn’t have time or money to follow their passions. After all, they already had commitments and ongoing responsibilities. They overcame their fears and developed the confidence to follow their passions. In most cases it entailed learning a new skill or applying an existing skill in another context. In every case they answered the question, “Who are you and what do you want?”

Their advice? Don’t let your “but” get bigger than your “why”. This enabled them to break through the chains of procrastination. Even if the changes aren’t as drastic as these five, many have found a new satisfaction in the current job they are now doing. If success in real estate is about location, location, location. They would tell us that success in life is about action, action, action.

We’ve all been reminded that life does not owe us anything. These women knew that, yet had a deeper understanding that life had already given them everything they needed. Their freedom rose from understanding that what was in their way was part of their way.

These selfless women were caring for themselves. Their journey was not an act of self-indulgence. It was an act of self-respect. In doing so they took a lot of people on the journey with them.

Don’t let your but get bigger than your why, is another way of saying “Don’t leave yourself out of your life.”

1Their full stories are in the book, Who Are You? What Do You Want? Four Questions That Will Change Your Life; Ukleja and Lorber.

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Monday, April 30, 2012

Suara Anak Malaysia - Betapa kita sebenarnya memang bersatu

... Pada ketika ini, seorang pemuda Melayu yang kurus, berbaju belang hitam-kuning, memakai cermin mata, dengan beg merah, dan bekas air berwarna kuning - melangkah ke depan dengan perlahan-lahan.  Beliau duduk pada jarak lima meter di depan FRU.  Beliau mengangkat tangannya yang sedang menggenggam.   Beliau duduk senyap di situ.  Genggaman itu bukan untuk protes.  Saya yang berada di belakangnya nampak dengan jelas, posisinya itu membawa makna bahawa beliau sedang menunggu polis untuk menggarinya.

Beliau memilih untuk tidak menentang ketika berdepan dengan kekerasan FRU.  Beliau berseorangan di situ untuk beberapa minit.  Ada orang yang menjerit, "Cepat bawa dia balik, jangan biar dia ditangkap!"  Tiga orang kawan Melayu dengan cepat membimbingnya untuk balik ke kelompok manusia.  Beliau tidak meronta, beliau menurut saja.

Apabila beliau lalu di sisi saya, saya nampak betapa sedih wajahnya.  Saya tidak faham, mengapa wajah seseorang pemuda yang seharusnya bersemangat, sarat dengan kepiluan sedemikian.  Mungkin anda anggap saya menghasut sentimen jika saya berkata sedemikian.  Namun, benar dalam otak saya muncul sekeping gambar yang pernah saya tatapi, gambar seorang rakyat berdiri di depan kereta kebal untuk menghalang kemaraannya di Tianan Men, China, pada tahun 1989.
Tidak hilang kawal
... Walaupun telah diserang beberapa kali dengan gas pemedih mata, namun kelompok manusia tidak hilang kawal.  Saya ternampak beberapa orang pemuda Melayu berlari ke kedai di tepi jalan dan mengetuk pintu besinya dengan kuat.  Tingkahlakunya dibalas dengan ratusan orang yang mengherdiknya, "Jangan, jangan buat kerosakan, cepat tengok siapakah mereka! "

Saya tidak pasti beberapa orang pemuda itu sekadar mahu melepaskan geram, atau dihantar pihak lain untuk sabotaj.  Tapi apa yang saya pasti, anda gagal membuat kecoh dalam kelompok manusia yang begitu tinggi disiplinnya.

Saya ternampak juga ada yang melontarkan satu botol air mineral dari perhentian bas Pudu Raya, menghala ke arah FRU.  Dan ratusan orang yang berada di depan terus menghentikannya.  Seorang pakcik Cina berulang kali menjerit, "Jangan lawan mereka, mereka terima arahan, mereka cuma jalankan tugas saja, kita semua rakyat Malaysia, jangan, jangan lawan."

Tiada bendera yang dibakar, tiada harta awam yang dicerobohi.  Tiada kedai yang dihancurkan, tiada pintu atau tingkap kaca yang dipecahkan.  Apa yang ada hanyalah laungan slogan dan duduk secara aman.  Namun kita dilabel sebagai "perusuh".  Apakah "keganasan" kami?  Saya masih tertanya-tanya sehingga hari ini.

Kerana "aman" itu janji kami

Ratusan anggota polis memasuki kelompok "musuh" yang mempunyai puluhan ribu orang, dan polis pulang dengan tangkapannya yang berjaya.  Apakah kamu rasa kamu ni berani dan tangkas?  Kamu berjaya keluar dari kelompok kami tanpa dicederakan - ini kerana kami memilih untuk tidak berkasar.  Apabila tiga atau empat orang daripada kamu bersama membuli seorang peserta, tahukah kamu bahawa ratusan pasang mata yang sedang memandang, dan ratusan pasang buku lima yang sedang menggenggam di belakang kamu?

Kami tidak berkasar kerana kami patuh kepada janji kami untuk berhimpun secara aman.  Melihat prestasi kamu tempoh hari, semua rakyat tertanya-tanya, mengapa kamu sering terlambat apabila berlaku rompakan atau kes pencurian, dan apabila berdepan dengan rakyat jelata yang tidak bersenjata, kamu seolah-olah menelan pil berwarna biru itu, berkobar-kobar semangat, malah boleh menawan kelompok manusia 10 ribu orang?  Apakah kami ini senang dibuli?

Bukankah tugas FRU adalah untuk menyuraikan orang ramai?  Jadi mengapa pula menyekat jalan di Bukit Bintang apabila peserta perhimpunan diusir ke Jalan Pudu?  Di kawasan berdekatan perhentian bas Pudu Raya, lorong di tepi jalan dipagari tiang besi kira-kira lima kaki tingginya.  FRU melepaskan gas pemedih mata bertubi-tubi.  Peserta mencari perlindungan di Hospital Tung Shin kerana ia adalah satu-satunya jalan keluar yang utama.  Tak malukah wahai Menteri mengecam peserta kerana menggangu hospital?
"Kali pertama bayar cukai"

Saya mengikut orang ramai untuk berehat di kawasan rumpun di depan hospital.  Hujan mula turun.  Mungkin langit juga tidak merestui tindakan mereka, mencurahkan air hujan untuk menjirus bahan kimia yang berada pada tubuh kami.

Seorang gadis yang berada di belakang saya bengkak dan merah matanya.  Sambil mengesat matanya, beliau berkata, "Tahun ini kali pertama saya bayar cukai."  Kawan di sebelahnya pula mempersendakannya, "Jadi kerajaan pun pulangkan kepada kamu sekarang!"

Kami ketawa terbahak-bahak bersama, dan gadis itu mencungkil senyuman pahit.  Menurut khabar, sebutir peluru gas pemedih mata berharga RM300, dan hari ini kerajaan dengan murah hati menghadiahkan kepada rakyatnya.  Puluhan bilion ringgit dibelanjakan untuk pertahanan negara, selain jet yang tidak boleh terbang, kapal selam yang tidak boleh selam - mungkin kami bersyukur dengan gas pemedih mata dan meriam air yang terbukti memadai harganya.

Gas pemedih mata dilepaskan lagi.  Sebutir peluru gas itu jatuh pada tempat yang tidak jauh daripada kami.  Asapnya tersebar ke hospital.  Asap yang berkepul-kepul juga berlegar di kawasan masuk Rumah Bersalin Cina.  Jangan kata kepada saya bahawa tiada gas pemedih mata dilepaskan ke arah hospital, jangan pula kamu kata kamu tidak tahu apa itu "impact zone" gas pemedih.  Yang Berhormat Menteri Kesihatan, jikalau saya melontar sebiji bom tangan pada jarak 1 kaki di depan kamu, jangan pula menyalahkan saya jikalau kamu dibom mati.  Ini kerana bom tangan saya tidak menyentuh anda.  Mungkin anda boleh menyalahkan angin yang meniupkan kuasa bom tangan ini ke arah kamu! (Ketika menafikan penembakan gas pemedih ke dalam perkarangan hospital, Menteri Kesihatan Liow Tiong Lai mendakwa gas pemedih mata mungkin ditiup angin ke dalam kawasan hospital.)

Selepas hujan berhenti, kelompok orang ramai hanya tinggal separuh dari asalnya.  Ramai yang memandang dari dalam bangunan hospital, dan kebanyakannya sudah keletihan.  Beberapa orang pemimpin parti politik cuba berunding dengan polis, dan peserta di belakangnya menjerit "Buka jalan, buka jalan!"

Tidak lama kemudian, orang di depan memberitahu bahawa polis bersetuju untuk membuka jalan kepada peserta.  Namun, apabila peserta berkumpul semula di Jalan Pudu, polis pula mengambil kesempatan untuk melepaskan meriam air.  Peserta menjerit, "Polis tipu, tipu!"  Apa peliknya?  Sedangkan pimpinan tertinggi kerajaan boleh berdolak-dalih, apa pula orang bawahnnya?

Peserta terpaksa bersurai selepas meriam air dilepaskan.  Polis mula menyerbu ke dalam hospital untuk menangkap peserta perhimpunan.  Kenyataan dari kerajaan (hujah Menteri Kesihatan) mendakwa bahawa tiada tangkapan dibuat di dalam hospital, sekadar menghantar peserta yang cedera masuk ke hospital untuk rawatan.

Nampaknya dalam masa sekelip mata, munculnya ramai pakar Photoshop dan Video Editing, dan kesemua video dan gambar menjadi palsu.  Mengapa pula polis menghantar ratusan orang ke dalam rumah bersalin?  Adakah ratusan lelaki dan perempuan itu mahu bersalin?  Mungkin gas itu bukan untuk memberi kesan memedihkan mata, tetapi merangsang untuk bersalin.

Saya terserempak dengan seorang kawan yang tidak saya jumpai untuk 10 tahun kebelakangan, maka saya mengikutnya untuk berlari ke Jalan Robertson.  Terdapat sebuah gereja di hujung jalan itu.  Sekumpulan muslim sedang bersembahyang di depan gereja itu, menghala ke Mekah.  Dua orang pakcik India dalam gereja membuka paip air agar orang yang mencari perlindungan di situ boleh mencuci mukanya.  Apa itu perpaduan kaum?  Apa itu keharmonian agama?  Kawan yang menggagaskan 1Malaysia itu harus turun ke perhimpunan ini untuk lihat sendiri.

Puluhan anggota polis datang dari belakang, pakcik India ini membuka pagar besinya untuk kami lalui.  Kami berjalan ke belakang gereja, melangkaui tembok yang tingginya lima kaki, dan duduk untuk berehat di lorong itu.  Maka tamatlah perhimpunan yang saya sertai ini, untuk diri saya.

Akhirnya saya ingin berkata kepada badut yang mendakwa "apa yang susah sangat terkena sebutir gas pemedih mata".  Benar, mungkin dari kesudahannya, kamu menang dalam perhimpunan ini.  Rakyat gagal sampai ke Stadium Merdeka, memorandum gagal diserah ke Istana Negara, malah peserta disuraikan tanpa belas kasihan.  Tapi jangan lupa, kemenanganmu disebabkan pilihan kami untuk tidak membalas dengan keganasan.

Saya tetap yakin, apabila suara rakyat menjadi tsunami, anda gagal menghalang dengan meriam air yang kuat dan gas pemedih yang memedihkan.  Siapa yang menang dan siapa pula yang kalah kelak, kita tunggu dan tengok! 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Not just a word...

wait...its been more than a quarters...
3 or maybe 4 month i didnt really bother about DICIPTANYA DUNIAKU
.... Been carried away with time and tide... fully distracted by things called life...
this fast world flew me thru with the current... im totally casted in the world called career and life...

Heyy...im quite lost ryt...running with time made me far from home...
i cant see running as a leisure, time to made an own pleasure..... things where i wronged.. i thinked.

Somebody says this n their writing...

" The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play"

ok secretive...xtually it's Arnold J. Toynbee,

its been a while,its a durations where i made wrong.. i take work as work...office as a battlefield.., everybody running for their greatness...meeting an objective.. line with the time and due...., i forgot to blur the line..., maybe we..us....take work as work....and not even try to play with the work...black is black...and white is white, apple is apple..orange is orange.., im juz realizing it.

Juz when i browse thru...and click the dusty DICIPTANYA DUNIAKU..
DICIPTANYA DUNIAKU.....again, flash me the meaning, it's more than juz a word...its beautiful word...with a meaningful feeling extraction...its a story on beautiful...

and its embracing the feeling...
Calmness is Diciptanya Duniaku.... fair, moderate and peaceful..
Diciptanya Duniaku is the Whispering of music, the harmonies of breeze.... and the play of harmonica chanting, in a green grass field with a glazing blue sky.... classical fresh..


Sunday, November 20, 2011

The sky of life is merely light of dark

Life will never easy, that's what they said...what's they said for us all..
but they never show me how, what its look like.. they says that every man will face his day...
But they never say, the life somehow is unlighted and darken...they never tell me that is the real meaning of life.

Life is light, some blurred, some dimmed, some bright and some is even shine..
but light is like a white of black,you wont see the light if there's no dark.
be it blurred, dimmed, bright or even shine..even shine is just not as shine as it is if the dark is too full.. too unseen and dumbfounded...Life is like that... There's a Glory light nor even gloomy ones.

So dear life..,
watching you leave with tears on your sleeve is hurt,
Notice that the tears because of mine that are not exactly dry even hurts more..
Life, it's not just you, you know it's hurt me too,it's not just you...that is hurting, it 's me too..

So dear life..,
I'm sorry if before, i wasn't here to catch the fall, i didn't hear you well when you've called.
I'm sorry if i too wondering out late until i finally lately arrived..sure its been long..waiting me under the sunken dark.

I know the sky seems misty dusk, the night are extremely breezy windswept, but when it gets dark, if the raining storm fill its sound to the room, and if until it's hard to see. just have a faith, I'm on my way there, i'm running there, i'll be there turning on the lights.... InsyaAllah.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My life is my story

Small part in my heart always telling me, " Your life is your story..."... and i start to pick my life up..along this journey ^^

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be (possibly your roommate,neighbor, coworker, longlost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger) but when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.

And sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart.

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.

The people you meet who affect your life, and the success and downfalls you experience help to create who you become. Even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart. If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things.

Make every day count!!! Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before,and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you. You can make of your life anything you wish. Create your own life then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets.

*MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!* If you LOVE someone tell him or her, for you never know what tomorrow may have in store!!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Yang berCAHAYA xsemestinya EMAS, dan yang CANTIK tidak semestinya PERMATA

" Yang berCAHAYA xsemestinya EMAS, dan yang CANTIK tidak semestinya PERMATA"

we people always slip ourselves into the lie of this world has made, i also used to sunk inside the current. The flow was unbearable...i was about to give up and trust hand of no one.

The journey out was the toughest ever, i been test until the final end.. but coming out from those dark tunnel made me a betterment, now i can see the different, im glad..^^

I wud say, it's been a long and winding journey, but finally i'm here tonight, picking up the pieces.. and walking back into the light, Into the sunset of my glory, into Your glory...Allah thanks for your loves and tenderness care.

I think here is where my heart and future lies, There's nothing like the feeling when I look into the eyes,...its been a long journey until here, thinking about the years I spent just passing through, this bring me back to the circle and I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you..^^

Now i found you, .......My dreams came true, My miracle

My 8 yrs old dreams

Dikala hujan yg sejuk ini, teringat kat pakcik ice cream cine yg jual ice cream...
since i was a baby till i was about 7 or 8, i used to live in many place,..dari utara sampailah timur..(i think slatan never goin to be in my fmly next stop list..at that tym lah)

masa kat taman koskam penang 2 i think....it was on a hill, tapi bukan la kat cliff ke ape, rumah tu kalau nak pegi mcm naik bukit sikit. so there was this pakcik ice cream, he had to cycle all the way up to sell his ice cream. those of you who were born in the 80's should know about this, ingat taaak? basikal die pastu ade tong ice cream tu!

my brother n i slalu stop the pakcik utk beli ice cream, pastu nnt i would climb on the tong ice cream, maklumlah pendek, kenela panjat. when the pakcik opens the cover of the tong mesti the mesmerizing smell or shall i say aroma of ice cream travels through my nose, leaving me breathless.

cey cey!! OH!! heaven!! from then on i became the prince of ice cream. usually people would prefer chocolates than ice creams, but for me!! i would prefer ice cream anyday anytime ;)
maka skarang saya bercita2 utk membuka sebuah ice cream company di malaysia.Tp memandangan chocolate pun cam minat jg..then pastu buka lak kilang choc...hahaha tamaknya saya.

doakanlah saya berjaya. sekian wasalam :)
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